Value |
Category |
Agric office |
Another town after this community |
Asked a friend for some |
Begged cuttings from a friend |
Begged cuttings from a relative |
Begged cuttings from friend |
Begged cuttings from friends |
Begged cuttings from neighbors |
Begged for it |
Begged from friends |
Begged from friends and other relatives |
Begged from neighbors |
Begged from other farmers |
Begged from relative |
Begged from relatives |
Begged seeds from a relative |
Begged seeds from friend |
Borrowed suckers |
Bought from a local Plantain farmer in [PII] |
Bought from a local farmer in [PII] |
Brought from hometown |
Cuttings from own harvest |
Cuttings from own harvest and begged cuttings from neighbors |
Cuttings from own harvest and begged from relatives/friends. |
Cuttings from own harvest. |
Cuttings from relative |
Cuttings from relatives |
District Assembly |
From a local cocoyam farmer |
From government agencies |
From household consumption |
From other farmers in the community |
From own house |
Gift from government |
Got it from a fellow farmer for free |
Gotten from other farmers in the community |
Growers from a different community |
In a market at nearby community |
It grew on its own |
Local Maize farmer |
Mofa |
Mother bought for him |
Nature |
Own nursery seed |
Picked it from the market women |
Picked the seeds from other farm plantations |
Pods |
Purchase from agro shop outside the town |
Purchase from planting for food and jobs |
Purchased cuttings from a farmer in another village |
Purchased from Cocoa Board representatives |
Purchased from Cocoa Board representatives. |
Purchased from Dominase local market |
Purchased from [PII] |
Purchased from a fellow farmer |
Purchased from agric |
Purchased from agric office |
Purchased from cocobod |
Purchased from government extension office |
Purchased from local farmers |
Purchased from the mofa office |
Purchased outside the community |
Seed just sprung from the earth |
Seed yam from our own harvest |
Sticks |
Sticks from own harvest |
Suckers |
Suckers from own harvest |
Suckers from own harvest. |
Supplied by government |
Took from other farmers |
Tubers from own harvest |
Used leftover from [PII customary leader?] |
Used one from home |
Was given as a gift |
Was given in kind after working |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.