REDCap 13.1.1 Installation Module

This page will guide you through the process of installing REDCap version 13.1.1 on your system. At this point, you must have a MySQL or MariaDB database server running in order to continue with the installation process. To complete the installation, you will need to use a MySQL client (e.g., phpMyAdmin, MySQL Command-Line Tool, MySQL Workbench) to interface with the MySQL server. Note: REDCap is compatible with MariaDB as an alternative to MySQL.

STEP 1: Create a MySQL database/schema and user (using a MySQL client)

Using a MySQL client of your choice, you will first need to create a MySQL database (i.e., schema) in which to place the REDCap tables. You will also need to create a corresponding MySQL user for REDCap to use to access the MySQL database. Below are examples of the queries you might run to create the database and user (if you wish, you may choose your own name for the database or user).

-- Example for creating the database (in either MariaDB or MySQL)

-- (MARIADB ONLY) Example for creating the MariaDB user (replace the user and password with your own values)
CREATE USER 'redcap_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password_for_redcap_user';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `redcap`.* TO 'redcap_user'@'%';

-- Example for creating the MySQL user (replace the user and password with your own values)
CREATE USER 'redcap_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password_for_redcap_user';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `redcap`.* TO 'redcap_user'@'%';
If using a MySQL client with a GUI, you may alternatively use its built-in methods for creating a database and user rather than executing the queries above. Note: For security reasons, it is recommended that REDCap's MySQL user only be given SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges for the database.

STEP 2: Add MySQL connection values to 'database.php'

You now need to set up the database connection file that will allow REDCap to connect to the MySQL database you just created. This database connection file will store the hostname, username, password, and database/schema name for that MySQL database. Find the file 'database.php' (which sits under your main REDCap directory of your web server) and open it for editing in a text editor of your choice. Add your MySQL database connection values (hostname, database name, username, password) to that file by replacing the placeholder values in single quotes. Also, while still in the 'database.php' file, add a random value of your choosing for the $salt variable at the bottom of the page, preferably an alpha-numeric string with 8 characters or more. (This value wll be used for de-identification hashing in the Data Export module. Do NOT change the $salt value once it has been set initially.) If you have not yet performed this step, you will likely see an error below. Once you have added the values to 'database.php', reload this page to test it.

Now attempting connection to database server...
Connection to the MySQL database 'redcap23b' was successful!

STEP 3: Customize values for your server and institution

Set the values below for your site's initial configuration. You will be able to change these after this installation process in REDCap's Control Center. REDCap's user authentication will be initially set as "None (Public)", but proper authentication can later be enabled on the Control Center's Security & Authentication page once you have gotten REDCap fully up and running. When you have set all the values, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: All the settings below can be easily modified, if needed, after you have completed the installation process.