Value |
Category |
Belongs to her husband |
Care taker of the farm |
Caretaker |
Caretaker of the land |
Caretaker of the land and the crops |
Collateral |
Family land |
Family land so had the right to cultivate on |
Forest land |
Free |
Gift from a family member |
Given to him to farm on it by the government |
Giving by husband |
Got it by himself and started using it |
Government land |
Had it through share cropping |
Has been leased to me for 10 years as I lend money to the owners |
Have to pay amount of money and give schnapps to the owner |
Have to pay an amount of money and give schnapps to the owner of the land |
Husband land(part) |
Husband's plot |
I just saw it and started farming it |
I just saw it and started farming on it |
I just saw the land and uprooted the tress on it and started farming on it |
I just went n saw it and started farming on it |
I jux saw it n started farming on it |
It belongs to her late husband |
It's for her spouse... Was given to her spouse by his father |
It's for my husband |
Just saw it and started farming on it |
Member of the community |
No one |
No one gave to me. Just went to a virgin land and started cultivating |
None |
Portion of own land/ home plot |
Practicing Tuanga system |
Purchased half of the plot and rented the other half. |
Share cropped for a period of time but now owner |
Sharecroping |
Shared Cropped |
Shared cropped initially, later land was divided and now owed by respondent. |
She discovered the land and made it her own ever since. So it became her property. |
Spouse mothers plot |
Started using on his own |
Take as Collateral |
Taking care of the land for my sister |
The Catechist of the Church at one point asked her to farm on it but later she begged to farm on it |
The lands are family lands passed on from generations to generations. Awuku took over that portion and as result of old age, passed it on to William( his brother) to add to his portion of land to cultivate. |
Took part of my land for the garden |
Was use for collateral by someone else |
Was used as a collateral |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.