Value |
Category |
Every 2 weeks |
Every 3 days |
Every three days |
Fourth Night |
Half yearly |
He's deaf so cannot communicate on phone |
In between every two days |
In the same community |
In the same compound |
In the same house |
Leave in the same community |
Leaves next door |
Lives in the same house |
Lives next to her mother's house |
Lives next to her sister |
No phone |
Once |
Once a while |
Once every 2 days |
Regularly |
Shares the same house with HH |
She lives in the community so she visits regularly |
She's in this community so she visits regularly |
Six months |
Stays in same community |
Stays in the same house |
Twice a week |
Two weeks |
Yearly |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.